House Style

Upon submitting a manuscript, the author agrees that the copyright for the article is transferred to the publisher if and when the article is accepted for publication. In this case, the author must sign the License to Publish form, which will be sent with the first proofs of the manuscript.


Manuscript Structure

The manuscripts should be typed and double-spaced, with wide margins around all sides.



The journal does not use numbered headings. Headings should be capitalised: 'The First Level Heading.' The text of the first sentence after a heading is not indented.



The journal uses footnotes, not endnotes. Footnotes must be typed single-spaced and be as complete as possible. Where more than one citation is given in a single footnote, separate them with semi-colons. Insert footnote numbers after the relevant punctuation in the text: ', 1 ; 1 . 1.' Do not provide any acknowledgements in an asterisked footnote to the author’s name, but make this a numbered footnote, and place the footnote number in the first sentence of the paper.


The first time a reference is provided, it should be as complete as possible. Thereafter use 'Ibid.' to refer to a reference that is identical to the preceding one, or 'Ibid., at p. 45', if the reference is the same, but the pagination is different. To refer to a reference already given further above, briefly identify the article, book (by Author surname), case or other item, and specify the note where the full citation is found: 'Surname (n #); Smith (n 1).' For journal articles and chapters in edited books provide the first and last page numbers. Any references to page(s) within the article or the chapter come after these numbers, preceded by a comma and the word 'at': '1-21, at p. 1.'


Online References

For journals that are only published electronically, the author should provide publication details as for print journals, including the website address and most recent date of access. If a doi number is available, please provide it. If most of the dates accessed are the same, state at first mention: 'All websites accessed on 5 September 2021, unless otherwise mentioned.'


Treaty References

References to websites for treaties are to be avoided; treaty references must be made to hard-copy primary sources (such as UNTS or ILM). The author must include the treaty’s full name, its date and place of adoption, its date of entry into force, and the UNTS/ILM (or similar) citation.



Abbreviations must comply with national or international legal practice. They must be placed in parentheses after the first use of the full title, and then used consistently thereafter.

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